At three thirty in the morning, John Murphy’s front doorbell rang, not once but
four times. He hated that time of morning ever since he found it was the death hour that
more people die than any other. At his age he expected to run into the grim reaper at any
given moment. With high anxiety he cracked the door to see a small cradle decorated
with a ribbon, sitting on his front porch.
When he uncovered the blanket tucked around the cushion, a small calico kitten
looked up at him with her green jade eyes. Love entered John’s life as soon as he set his
eyes on her. He guessed her age at six weeks or so and decided to name her ’Miss Kitty’.
John was officially retired as chief detective on the Miami police department. However
he worked special assignments that the department felt he was uniquely qualified for.
Miss Kitty, even at the age of twelve weeks became an eager student of murder
and vice. Training films, she absorbed in multiple doses while John laboriously went over
details and clues he had witnessed during his tenure as chief inspector. Miss Kitty was
trained to look for the unusual at the scene of murder.
At first, the city complained that rules were not followed by allowing a cat to
inspect scenes of murder and malice. But by this time, Miss Kitty weighed an
impressive eighteen pounds and with her training and senses hundreds of times more
acute then man, she began finding obscure clues the detectives missed. The
understanding between Miss Kitty and John took on a mystic awareness and silent
communication took over
.It wasn’t that John could read Miss Kitty’s intentions but the opposite was true.
At a special award service at the Miami Police Department, Miss Kitty was deemed and
awarded the title of Mystery Chief Inspector, in front of the press and television cameras.
Next day national news picked up the story and Miss Kitty’s portrait hit the news stands
across the country.
Scotland Yard showed interest in her talents and invited her along with John to fly
across the pond to England for an interview. She was awarded the title in England as
‘Dame Miss Kitty.’ At that point, John received a call from the Secretary Of The Interior
in Washington. Upon reaching the capitol city, she was whished to the pentagon along
with John, and interviewed by the Secretary Of Defense.
John was exhausted by this time and Miss Kitty had started to lose weight and her
coat lost some of it’s brightness.
“It’s time we took a vacation, Miss Kitty. Where would you like to go?”
Miss Kitty trotted over to John’s computer and typed in ‘Disney World’. John
knew that might be a serious problem for the park allowed only service animals in the
public area. When he got off the phone with a friend who had a management position, he
was faced with a no decision, but the next day he received great news. He and Miss Kitty
were to be greeted by Mickey Mouse and Pluto and fifty some reporters.
At Disney World, Miss Kitty appeared anxious and restless and John began to
‘She’s never been shy in public before, there has to be a good reason. I’ll put my
phone down for her to type’.
The press was quite amused but when John read what she had typed, he
swallowed his reaction and calmly asked for security.
“You say your cat typed this message on your computer?”
The security official began to laugh.
“Let me see that message please.” came from the vice president of Disney World.
“Evacuate the park,” he told security, “follow procedures but be quick about it“
John reread the message his ryes at first had trouble believing,
“I can sense explosives in several areas.”
“I’ll turn her lose,” John said, “but we need to be quick. It won’t be easy keeping
up with her.”
An hour went by, bomb squads has diffused six areas of explosives that if set off
could have caused the lives of hundreds of visitors.
Next morning Miss Kitty again reigned supreme on front pages around the world.
“You are one magnificent cat, Miss Kitty,” John announced.
“Thank you,” she typed. “does that mean fresh salmon for dinner?”
“You bet!”
[Look for future stories of Miss Kitty solving mysteries