Tuesday, September 6, 2016






Vince could see the missile trail approach his plane. It seemed to be gaining on the F16 Fighting Falcon. So much for outrunning it. ‘Now what?’ he thought

“Hold on your teeth,” Bill announced as he flew straight up, bellied over and descended at an enormous speed. The missile followed like a well trained puppy, Bill deployed an anti-plane heat seeker and destroyed it.

“One down, one to go,” Vince said.

“You think, you’re wrong, two more show on the screen, that’s six.”

“Bill, Bill can you hear me?”

“Yeah Doug, you okay?”

“Kind of . Question? Natasha wants to use the cannon.”

“For God’s sake, let her. Any kills yet?’

“One and you?”

“Same, that leaves four more. Got to go.”

Vince saw two vapor trails winding through the azure sky, zig zaging trying to keep up with the F16,

“Let me at the cannon Bill.”

“Okay, I’ll maneuver for a pass. You’ll have about three seconds. Ready?”

Vince came close to bye-bye land from the G force but held on. “There’s no way I’ll hit anything at this speed,’ he thought but after the pass and one missile exploded, he did a thumbs up to Bill.


“Yeah Doug, what’s up?”

“Natasha nailed a second one, but it exploded close to the plane and we’re hit with shrapnel in the fore cabin. She’s been injured but waving okay to me. She is one hell of a woman.”

“You better nail the third one Doug and get down under thirty thousand.”

“Got it chief.”

“Vince, we have to end this, we’re going head to head. Aim true buddy.”

With a flat one eighty, Bill’s radar gun site settled in on the last missile and he fired again. The F16, literally catapulted though the fireball and kicked ass toward Doug’s plane. Launching his last heat seeker, Bill yelled at Doug,

“Full power Doug, we don’t want the heat seeker to get confused.”

The last explosion was sweet victory. Bill chased after Doug and they flew side by side. Natasha weakly waved at Vince.

“Doug, head to Denver International. I’ll clear you through and follow.”

“Another problem Bill, I’m having trouble keeping this crate airborne. We’ve got rips everywhere and they‘re getting worse by the minute“

“Okay, okay, Doug. I‘ll fly under and give you some more lift. Drop speed to three fifty, radar shows less than one hundred and fifty miles to landing. Will the air boost help?”

“Yes, but it‘s so dangerous flying on top of each other, do we have other options?“

‘Afraid not Doug, just keep her steady and don’t change power. If you start to dip, I’ll compensate.”

The control tower at Denver gathered around the screen, including the airport manager, eyes fixated on a most unusual sight.

“How close are they flying?” Warren Upright asked.

“Near as I can tell chief, less than six feet apart They‘re traveling slow, about three

hundred or so.”

“What happens when they approach, Frank?”

.”The F16 underneath will shoot out from under at about 100 feet above ground. It’s a hair-raising maneuver. Especially for a heavy attack plane like the 16.“ .



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